Reap All the Benefits of Solar Power During the Summer

Hot summer days can really drive up your home electricity bill. Fortunately, the long daylight hours of summer are when solar panels create lots of power. To make sure you’re maximizing solar benefits, it’s important to maintain your solar system. Here are a few key things to ensure your solar system is performing at peak efficiency:
Monitor Your System
If you’re not paying attention to the system, months can slip by before you notice a problem. You can avoid this by reviewing your solar monitoring account each month to see real-time data about your system’s power production and consumption. It’s also a good idea to read your revenue meter to note electricity usage. Finally, you should regularly check your utility bill. Unusual changes in your bill amount could indicate a problem with your existing system.
Visually Inspect Solar Panels
Twice a year, you want to make sure that no debris is built upon your panels. Tree leaves and twigs, animal nests, and wind-blown dirt or sand gathered in pockets can all hinder solar panel performance. If you see any buildup, make the effort to clean it properly. You should also look for evidence of rust or wear and tear.
Keeping your panels clean from debris, such as bird droppings or sap, will extend their useful life and improve your return on investment.
Trim Your Trees Back
If you have tall trees growing near the house, be sure they are not casting shade over your solar panels during daylight hours. If you discover they are, be sure to trim the trees that are shading your system. If it is not safe for you to trim your trees, hire a professional. Preventing shade on your solar system will allow you to take full advantage of its power-generating capabilities.
Support When You Need It
Managing your solar power system may feel like just another to-do item on your home upkeep, but the benefit is well worth the effort. Haven’t gone solar yet but thinking about it? We can help. Or, if you have any problems or concerns with your existing system and need to speak with a pro, call us at New Day Solar for support at: (855) 444-6329 or visit us online at: We have been installing solar systems in this area since 1988 and will always give you honest answers to your solar questions.
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